Tips On Burglary Prevention


Burglary is for the most part an opportunistic crime and there is a good deal that can be done to prevent easy pickings. Burglars are looking for a home that gives them the easiest method of committing their crime undetected. Two out of ten burglars do not need to use any force to gain entry and three out of ten get in to the property through a rear window.

You can avoid making the burglars entry an easy one by taking these following precautions:

  • Invest in good locks with specific attention to patio doors together with window locks to accessible windows.

  • Growing prickly shrubs underneath windows.

  • Erecting a high gate across any side passage way on the property.

  • Ensuring side gates are padlocked.

  • Ensure that all ground floor windows are closed when the occupants are out or asleep.

  • Keep any ladders out of sight and preferably padlocked, preventing use to gain access to inaccessible windows.

  • Lock away garden tools and other implements which could be used to break a window.

  • Keep hedges at a reasonable height so that burglars can be seen from the road.

  • Do not leave a spare key about the premises outside, burglars know all the hiding places.

  • Do not leave keys near the front door within easy reach of the letter box.

  • Install motion detection security lighting.

  • Make sure that there are no valuables specifically on show.

  • It is imperative that the home appears to be lived in;

  • Cancel any milk deliveries and news papers.

  • Leave lights on a timer switch and ask someone to close the curtains at night and open them in the morning.

  • Leave a radio on a timer switch which will give the indication that the house is occupied.

  • Ask a neighbour to park on the drive and keep an eye on your property while away.

  • If you have a burglar alarm it is imperative that it is activated every time the property is vacated or when you go to bed.